Were You April Fooled?
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Were You April Fooled?

01 April, 2015

It’s April Fool’s day, also known as “trust nothing day.” While you stay alert on prank-patrol, you can also expect to see wacky-RC-product shenanigans today. We’ll collect them here, and we already have two lined up…


Pro-Line is way out in front for the “best fake product” award with the Prime TrackShoe. It looks real, and dang, we’d wear these! Imagine a whole like of Pro-Line sneakers with their signature tread styles on the soles. How stoked would you be for a pair of Trencher boots?



Much lower on the “that could be real” spectrum are Revolution Design’s “Square Pin” tires. But the press release sure is sincere…

Revolution Design Racing Products re-invents the buggy tire.

The Square Pin tire is the result of months of testing and more months of discussing with the Team. The goal was to make a buggy tire with a maximum increased surface, better braking handling and unrivaled stand balance.

Michael Vollmer from Revolution Design has following statement: “The idea behind the Square Pin tire was to make a real re-invent of a tire. A complete new approach of tire design – far away from the traditional tire design. There were some concerns about the new look, but we know, racers don’t care about the look, if it makes them faster.”

More April Fool’s products to come as we spot them…

…and here’s another. Looks legit…


The post Were You April Fooled? appeared first on RC Car Action.

Peter Vieira

Engineering leader at a pre-IPO startup