Friday5 With Team Driver Aaron Dexter
Aaron Dexter Friday5 Team Talk

Friday5 With Team Driver Aaron Dexter

17 July, 2020

In this edition of the JConcepts Friday5 we talk to Australian team driver, Aaron Dexter!

1. When you first got into RC racing, what pro driver did you look up to and why? Or maybe there was a local/regional driver that you followed?

For me it was Kyle McBride. Kyle has been the quickest driver in Australia for the past 10 years in which I have been racing for. When I started racing, I know he was who I looked up to. I guess as a kid, we all wish we could become a pro driver someday and he was the only one doing it in Australia at the time. Over the years I’ve gotten to know Kyle more and he’s an awesome guy to talk to at the track and helps with anything you need.

2. What is your favorite class to race and why?

1/8 Nitro Buggy for sure. I love the long races, the noise and smell. Nitro racing always makes for better racing I think. A lot more can go wrong and that makes it more rewarding when you get it right.

3. From your experience what is the easiest AND hardest maintenance task on your RC cars?

The hardest thing I find to always get right is the shock package. There is so much you can change and while I manage to get close, I think there is always room for improvement and shocks is something you might not ever be able to get perfect. Easiest thing for me is differentials. Differentials I feel are important too, but they are easier to get right. I don’t often find myself struggling to find a good diff setting. It’s easier to get right.

4. To date what is your favorite JConcepts product of all time and why?

I have got to love the JConcepts Tyre Bands. They are so easy to use. The tabs make it so easy to manoeuvre on the tyre and it makes gluing tyres easy. Plus, they come in a range of colours which look cool as well.

5. You are obviously highly skilled when it comes to RC cars, but what is one skill or hidden talent that folks might be surprised to find out about you?

This had to be the hardest question. My life heavily involves RC Racing. If I’m not working, I’m generally at the track or doing something RC related. I can’t think of a hidden talent I have, but if I’m not working or racing, I do enjoy going out for a 4wd drive along the beach and a good old Aussie BBQ.

Chilly Duncan

Engineering leader at a pre-IPO startup