Winter Break
Featured News John Cary

Winter Break

09 November, 2011

For those that are racers out there, winter is upon us once again. Even though here in Southern California we pretty much have racing year round, there are those that aren’t as fortunate. Snow and cold weather tends to put a damper on the racing scene. But does it really? These days it seems as if indoor tracks are popping up all over the place. Which means racing can mean a year long endeavor whether it’s on-road or off-road. Personally, during the winter months I like to explore classes that I wouldn’t necessarily race during the warmer times of the year.Why is that… Truthfully, since the focus of off road nitro isn’t around it allows me to take a break and explore new options. For example, over the years I’ve dabbled in on-road a little bit with Tamiya M-class chassis, 1/12 pan car, and 17.5 touring car. All of which are great classes.

With winter knocking on the door I’m looking at my pan and M-class cars and I can’t help but to applaud the simplicity of both classes. Yes, there are plenty of ways to get very crazy about setup, tire size, gearing, weight distribution, electronics setup, and etc. But at the end of the day, these two classes can be quite simple to operate, especially the M-chassis. You get a general setup, fresh battery, fresh tires, and your pretty much set for months of racing. While your racing all you really have to do is charge the battery and brush off the car, that’s it. You could do more, but the simplicity behind it is very relaxing.

And this is when I get to my point… Has racing become too complicated? Have we lost sight of the fact of why we got into racing with this endless array of tweaking, cleaning, adjusting, and just sheer mayhem of keeping the cars at their peak potential. Not to mention the egos that go along with all that baggage. For crying out loud, we’re racing RC cars. There’s no reason it should ever come to that point rage or discomfort. The goal of RC racing is to get away from the stresses of your daily life and get back to being a kid again. So I urge everyone that’s getting ready for the winter racing months, take this time to relax and enjoy yourself. Hopefully once the warmer seasons come around again all that weight is lifted off your shoulders and you can get back to just having a good time.

The post Winter Break appeared first on RC Car Action.

John Cary

Engineering leader at a pre-IPO startup