I do a lot of racing. Lately it seems like I’m at a big race every weekend. I am not complaining one bit. In fact, I love racing but one thing has caught my eye lately. No matter the size of the race whether it be a Nationals event or just a glorified club race there always seems to be a giant table of trophies. Not just the top 3 in the A-main, EVERYONE in the A-main and top 3 in lower mains. That is a whole lot of trophies!
It got me thinking, “How many of these racers go home and immediately throw these into the trash?” I started asking around to some professional drivers that get some new hardware every weekend. Unless it’s a win at a very prestigious event, they usually throw it away. Can you really blame them? The quantity would be overwhelming.
I would guess there still are a few people that like “bowling” trophies or small plaques but they must be a small minority. Don’t get me wrong; I’m all about rewarding someone for a job well done.
This brought me to my second thought, “What would be some good alternatives to trophies?”
Lets put cash aside. We all want to win money but that isn’t feasible on all levels of racing. I would love to see trophies be something that won’t find it’s way directly to the trashcan after the race. Here are a few of my ideas:
- Pit Boards – These seem to have caught on a bit lately. They look cool and are very useful. I have a couple that I won last year. One is on my pit at home and the other goes to the track with me.
- Tools – Everyone uses tools all the time. How about a nut driver or allen wrench with the race name and finishing position engraved on it. It would make a cool shelf piece or could be an addition to the toolbox.
- Cheaper Race Entries – Trophies cost money. I know sponsors often pick up the tab but someone pays for them. Eliminate trophies and pass the saving on to the racer.
- Tires – Tires are one of the biggest expenses in racing. A tire company sponsors almost every race. Why not give them as prizes for winning? Who wouldn’t want a fresh set after burning up multiple on a race weekend?
What do you guys think about trophies? I would love to hear some of your likes or dislikes or if you have a good idea for trophy alternatives. Leave a comment below!
The post Trophy Alternatives appeared first on RC Car Action.