It’s not as though we have no lighting options. So why on Earth do so many RC racers sit at the track, at night, in near-complete darkness?
Is it the anti-socials who simply don’t want to be seen? Is it the conspiracy theorists who believe a competitor will steal a top secret tuning tip? Or is it just pure, unadulterated laziness? I’ll go out on a limb and say it’s (primarily) due to people being cheap. Because that make sense; you have $1500+ in RC gear sitting on your table, but you can’t see a damn thing because a $40 desk light will bankrupt you and force you to eat ramen noodles for a month, right? Dude.
There are two popular pit lights that fit the job perfectly. They’re small, portable, compact and small. Did I mention they aren’t bulky?
The first is the Ott Lite. You can find this desk lamp at any arts & crafts store, many hardware stores, and almost all Targets and Office Depots. It folds in half upon itself, and if you catch one on sale, it’ll set you back a whopping $35.
Ott Lite Folding Desk Lamp
The next pit lamp is the Rolls Royce of pit lamps. It’s the full LED Muchmore Racing pit light, available from Hobbico/Tower Hobbies. This little beast weighs next to nothing and is powered by a 12v power supply–perfect for electric racers who already have power supplies sitting on the table for their battery chargers. Just attach the alligator clips to your power supply’s output posts, and BOOM–you have a flood of bright, clean light. Yes it’s $75, but it is the baddest, most pimped out pit light known to all of RCdom. It folds flat and fits in a pit bag side pocket. It’s awesome, and you want one.
Muchmore Racing Pit Light
You have no excuses. Light up your pit space like the Fourth of July. Your eyes will thank you, and you’ll finally notice that broken suspension arm before the main, rather than afterwards.
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